Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ahhhh, Hot water!!!!

I was able to take a hot shower today after 48 hours of being without. Thank you propane man Nicky Ellis!

Things will pick up around here Friday. Gable is coming with a foundation pro John Jameson (sp). Supposedly the best in Richmond. Thanks to Gable for getting him here. HVAC guy is coming by to give an estimate. I have been gathering estimates from house painters to masons and hopefully will be able to settle on someone to get the first major project on the way.

It's interesting learning about the people who do some form of construction for a living. I find it quite fascinating myself! I'm learning that the time schedule for this type of project is sporadic, and what the professionals who do the work have to deal with. It's amazing that 2 professionals of the same trade will approach a single job in completely different ways. Deciding what the best approach is a head scratcher, especially when dealing with a 200 year old home.

My friends and family continue to be invaluable. Their giving warms my heart and motivates me. Jennifer and Sherman....I love you. Dad and Mom, what can I say, but Thank you - every day for the rest of our lives. For all of you that have volunteered and stopped by to just say hello - it is always refreshing and I'm thankful (next time bring a Mark, the tuneage melted me and was the best drift off I've had in a while. I've added it to my play list.

Love Ya'll

1 comment:

  1. It is so much fun to watch this project come along! Hooray for hot water, too... ~Valerie
